So summer is here and all you want to do is enjoy the sunshine, so do we (becasue you don't know how long it is going to last!). So, with that in mind, we in the Specialist Hair office have decided it is worth finding out how some great summer hair ideas in order to make your hair look great without having to spend hours and hours doing it.
With a trawl around our favourite magazines, websites, and even having a chat amongst outselves, we came across this wonderful little article from Hello Magazine! So impressed, we were, by all of the wonderful advice from, Hello that we have decided to talk you through each step with a guide to the products that will work best for the wet look hairstyle.
The Wet Look Hair Style
So, summer is a time when you are in the sun, you are in and out of the sea/swimming pool and on the beach as much as possible. With all of this sun worshiping going on, your hair can be left looking a little lost for ideas. Well, that is why the wet look is so good for this time of year. Not only will your hair look great, but to maintain it is easier than you may think. This is also a versatile style that works equally as well on long hair and short hair styles.
Washing Your Hair
Normally the first thing we would do when going through a new hair care tip is tell you what to use to wash your hair. Well, as Hello Magazine rightly say, this is one of the only times where it is probably better not to wash your hair to achieve the desired effect.
Having said that, all hair has its limits, and so when you do wash, make sure you use something that is going to gently rinse away any build up but leave your hair in a good natural condition. A shampoo made using natural oils is easily the best option for the summer wet look hair style and so we would recommend you use Macadamia Hair Products; Rejuvenating Shampoo. The Rejuvenating Shampoo is made using natural Macadamia Oil, found in the South Pacific. The girls in our office (and some of the men!) have been converted to Macadamia shampoo ever since it arrived, and because it is natural it cleanses your hair gently, perfect for restoring your hair's natural beauty after a long day in the sun.
*Hair Care Tip* Just use a little of the Macadamia Natural Moisturising Shampoo every few days and you will be cleansing your hair, but leaving it ready for the wet look hair styling method.
Smoothing Time!
Hello Magazine say dampen your hair, so, if you haven't done so already, do that now! Now is the time to apply a smoothing gel to your hair. Now, don't worry, we aren't going to tell you to go and get one of those awful tubs of 'wet style gel' you find in the supermarkets, we wouldn't even dream of it!
Thankfully, there a much, much better products out there for achieving a beautiful smooth, wet hair style. When it comes to hair styling, there is one special range of hair products that we like to put in our 'best kept secrets' folder, as a wonderful range that only the salon experts know about.
That range of amazing hair styling products is called Urban Tribe Hair Products. Part of the Z:One concept range of hair products, and regular contributor to our hair care blogs, Urban Tribe have a wonderful array of hair styling products that not only smell beautiful, but work wonders!
For the wet look, we recommend you use Montibello HDs Wet effect Gel. Montibello Wet Effect is an amazing quality hair smoothing gel that will apply easily to your hair and won't make it feel sticky or dirty. Simply apply it from root to tip and then comb through your hair with a fine tooth comb, using your other hand to smooth and flatten the hair, you can use a few invisible clips to hold your hair down if you need to, and you can even apply a touch more gel to set your hair in place! The Wet effect Gel contains a UVA-UVB filter that offers protection from the damaging effect of the Sun's radiation whilst moisturising and strengthening the hair.
That's It!
Yes, I can't believe it either, possibly one of the most simple hair styling guides I have ever written. All you need to do is put some hair gel in! But wait, never underestimate the power of your hair products. The reason this hair style will look so great is because of the quality of the hair products that make it. The Montibello gel contains the ingredients to make your hair style shine, and the Macadamia shampoo will keep your hair healthy, even in the most harsh summer conditions! So, go on and have a go at this super easy hair style and please send us in some summer hair pictures, we would love to see how you get on! Why not subscribe to our newsletter, because it's great!
See you again next time hair lovers!