Are you suffering from dry and damaged hair? Well, you're not alone! So many of us damage our hair with over colouring, overuse of heat appliances, too much time in the sun, too much time in the swimming pool, and so on. With the right actions and the right products this damage can be repaired!
Are you tired of trying out supermarket brand or semi-professional products aimed at 'dry and damaged hair' and not getting the results you want? Well now's the time to perhaps spend and research a little more and get the professional products which really will repair your hair! To make this task a little easier for you, we have done the research oursleves. So here are a few of the products we found:
- Keratin Complex Care Shampoo is specifically aimed at dry and damaged hair and succeeds in giving salon results. This shampoo will gently cleanse your hair and therefore leave behind all the natural nutrients in your hair. Rather than strip your hair of its natural moisture and nutrients, this product works with them to restore your hair to full health. This shampoo will leave your hair naturally healthy, soft and easy to manage.
- Milkshake Intensive Conditioning Shampoo. This is a cheaper option but will also give wonderful results for damaged hair. Perhaps use this product for less severly damaged hair as it will help hair maintain its natural moisture and gently cleanse hair. This shampoo uses all natural ingredients and is perfect for daily use in the Summer. Our hair naturally suffers more in the Summer months so use this Milkshake shampoo to restore any moisture you may have lost during those long Summer days.
- Joico Hair Moisture Recovery Conditioner For Dry Hair. This conditioner, made using sea kelp and marine captured ingredients, will hydrate your hair after only a few uses. A great conditioner for regular use to maintain moisture. Perfect for hair that is constantly dry and difficult to brush and style. This product will add the right amount of moisture to leave hair soft, manageable, and beautifully bouncy!
- Keratin Complex Vanilla Bean Deep Conditioner. A miracle conditioner for dry/damaged hair!! Well worth the money for hair that really is in need of a quick, moisture-filled fix. Give your hair a real treat with this wonderfully fragrant and nourishing conditioner. You'll be amazed!
Bonus Product:
Milkshake Active Milk Treatment Mask. Give your hair a glorious shine with this Milkshake treatment! Designed to bring dry, damaged and lifeless hair back to life. If you're hair is really suffering, replenish it with Milkshake's Treatment Mask which uses natural ingredients such as milk proteins, vitamins, rice and avocado oils.
Give it a go!
Picture by Lucas Lopez on Flickr, used gratefully under a Creative Commons Licence!
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